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English Medium School, Kolhapur

School Rules

1) Rules for Conduct and Discipline

  • Communication in English is must.
  • To keep good health: Bring Bhaji Chapati in Tiffin.
  • To reduce the weight of the bag:Bring books according to time table.
  • To maintain hygiene:
    • Use of dustbin for throwing paper bitsand pencil shavings.
    • Not to spill food and water on bench/floor/walls.
    • Wash hands before & after eating.
    • Flush adequate water in toilets.
  • To avoid Sight Pollution: No scribbling on benches or walls.
  • To reduce Sound Pollution:
    • Speak when necessary in low pitch.
    • No screaming in school premise.
  • To Conserve Energy:
    • Switch off light and fans. (When not in classroom/ not required)
    • Keep taps closed even if there is no water supply/ after use
    • Splashing water on each other is waste of water, avoid it.
  • School Manners:
    • Be polite in action & words with each other .
    • Respect all elders & follow their instructions.
    • No fighting, quarrelling, beating to classmates / schoolmates–
    • convey problem to class teacher.
    • No roaming around, be in your own class room during breaks.
    • Don’t run in corridor
    • During shuffling the classes go in a line.
    • Be punctual in completing home-work or assignments.
    • Bring Leave note in school calendar in case of absences.
    • Handling your friend's books or any belongings in his/her absence must be avoided.
    • Hand over the lost and found material to the teacher in the class.
    • Always Walk in double lines without pushing & pulling each other. 

    2) Attendance

    • In a year, 75% attendance is compulsory to appear for the final exam.
    • A student suffering from an infectious/contagious disease will not be permitted to attend the school without medical certificate.

    3) General Rules for Students

    1. A Student must not tear any page from this calendar
    2. A Student must strictly adhere to all rules mentioned in this calendar and as and when notified by the school authorities.
    3. All students must be regular in attendance.
      1. No student should remain absent for any reason other than without obtaining previous permission of the Principal.
      2. Absence due to sickness will have to be supported by a written application by the parent / guardian along with a proper medical certificate as early as possible. A student having a contagious and infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the school unless a proper medical certificate is submitted.
      3. Late comers, without a note signed by the parent / guardian not mentioning a genuine reason will be dealt with strictly.
      4. No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours (even during recess) without the permission of the Principal.
      5. The students are advised not to bring any valuable articles to the school. The school authorities do not stand responsible for the loss of the student's books, money and other articles.
      6. The students are expected to handle the school property carefully. Any damage to any school property will be recovered from the responsible ones.
      7. To acquire a greater fluency in the study of English the students are advised to speak in English even in their private conversations within the school premises.
      8. Any student who is persistently insubordinate or repeatedly guilty of malpractice/ serious indiscipline may be expelled from the school.
      9. A student is not allowed to enter any classroom other than his/her own.
      10. A student is liable for punishment for indiscipline in the school as well as outside the school.
      11. A student must keep up the prestige and tradition of the school.
      12. A student must not take part in any political activity.
    4. 4) Request to the parents:
      1. Parents are requested to be co-operative with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline.
      2. Parents should encourage their children to take active part in school activities.
      3. Parents should go through the calendar daily and help their child to follow the instructions given by the teachers.
      4. Parents must join hands with the school and make efforts for the all round development of the child.
      5. If the parents find any difficulty regarding the studies of the child they can bring it to the notice of the school authorities without any hesitation.
      6. Any parent who wants to see his/her child in the school should ask for the prior permission of the Principal.
      7. The parents / guardian should address all correspondence in respect of their wards to the Principal only, in the proforma given at the end of this calendar.
    5. 5) Library:
      1. The students from std. III onwards will get Library books once a week.
      2. All students are expected to keep a record of the Library books read by them every week.
      3. The student must use the book very carefully. He must not tear any page. The student has to pay the recovery if the book is damaged by him/herd) Students are strictly warned not to write anything on the Library books
    6. Medical Check-up: The medical check-up of every student will be done in the school. Parents should go through the Doctor's report and do the needful.
    7. The School fees must be paid in two instalments first instalment in the month of June and second instalment in the month of November.
    8. Admission rules:
      1. (i) Admission can be sought only on the parent's submitting an application in the prescribed form available in the school office.
        (ii) The parents or an authentic guardian will have to accompany the child seeking admission.
      2. A candidate who desired to join the school fresh from home after completing pre-primary or from a private school must produce an official proof of the date and place of birth, such as Municipal or Baptism Certificate or an Affidavit made before a stipendiary magistrate.
      3. Boys and girls who have completed the age of 6 on or before 30th June of the pertaining year can only be admitted to the First Std.
      4. A student coming from a recognized school, can be admitted only on producing a Leaving Certificate from that school; if the pupil comes from outside the state of Maharashtra, the Leaving Certificate must be duly countersigned by the competent Educational authority of the State concerned.
      5. No admission is complete until a proper Birth / Leaving Certificate is handed over to the school authority.
      6. New Pupil are examined in the matter of the class immediately below that to which they seek admission. The school does not itself to admit a pupil who, on testing, found unfit for the standard for which he or she seeks admission.

      The decision of the Principal regarding this examination is final.

    9. Withdrawals:
      1. A notice of withdrawals must be given by filling in the form of application for the Leaving Certificate available in the school-calendar at last three days before the end of the year or 30th of the month of March failing which the fees for the following month will be charged. Such notice must be given by the person authentically responsible for the pupil and not by the pupil himself/herself.
      2. If no notice of withdrawal is given, full fees for all the month of absence will be charged along with D.P.C. If the name of the pupil is on the roll even for one day of the month, the fee for the entire month will be charged.
      3. A pupil who fails consecutively twice in the same standard is liable to be asked to leave the school.
    10. Examinations:
      1. The school will conduct two Unit Tests and two Semester Examinations. Promotions will be based on the average marks obtained by the pupils in both these Tests and Examinations.
      2. A student who has not paid all his fees will be barred from appearing in the Unit Test or Examination.
      3. Thirty-five percent of the marks shall be required to pass in each subject.
      4. A student who is absent or sick will be promoted or detained according to the year's progress after a Doctor's Certificate has been submitted by the parents for number of days of absence.
      5. A student who fails twice in the same class will be asked to leave School.
      6. Promotion refused will not be reconsidered. Application for the verification of marks will be considered on payment of Rs. 10/-
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